Sunday, June 22, 2008

Last Sunday in Haiti

How long was today's service? We got to the church by10am, when the service was supposed to start. The service started at 10:30am. It lasted until 2:30pm. I will not vent this time. If interested, read my post below on Pastor Jupe's church. My feelings are nearly identical as those reflected in that post, as nearly identical events took place today.

Driving through Haiti, from Delmas to Tabarre. This is what all of Port-au-Prince looks like.

A clip of today's service. Kids are excellent dancers. This went on for a good hour. And it was really really loud.

1 comment:

Cheryl H Kim said...

boo. you were gone for a month, yet, only wrote 12 posts. that church looks familiar, but then again, i guess many churches look like that? if not physically then at least the boon-wi-gi. hurry back joe, so that we can have lunch/dinner and i can pick your brain and you can tell me stories!